This page is for booking a general meeting to discuss anything except your annual tax return (If you want to book a meeting to discuss your annual tax return, please click here).
Depending upon your requirements, your appointment will be with either Valerie or Isabel. Please check the lists below to determine who to book your appointment with.
If you are seeing one of our staff in person, then your appointment will be at the following address:
30 Place du Marche
53100 Chatillon-sur-Colmont
If you are seeing one of our staff online, then it will be via Zoom.
Zoom is free to use and free to download from here.
Use the button below to book a meeting at the SOS Anglo offices about anything other than your annual tax return.
Use the button below to book an online meeting with SOS Anglo about anything other than your annual tax return.
30 place du Marché 53100 Châtillon-sur-Colmont France
Contact numbers:
Tel: +33 (0) 971 429 051 (In France) 09 71 42 90 51
Mobile: +33 (0) 667 536 447 (In France) 06 67 53 64 47
Skype address: Valérie: valerieforsosanglo
Siret 43344522800045